With our nation on the heels of a proposed menthol cigarette ban, various companies are facilitating a shift to tobacco alternatives. One company taking the lead in this effort aims to help consumers reduce or replace nicotine use with their premium line of CBD + CBG (collectively dubbed CBX) products that fill a niche gap in the hemp market. Born and raised, farmed and handcrafted in Bend, Oregon, Metolius Hemp is a vertically-integrated hemp company that organically and regeneratively farms CBD & CBG (cannabigerol) hemp to produce a premium quality line of products that include pre-rolls, cannagars (hemp cigars), moon...
At Metolius Hemp Company we believe that brand is experience and the experience we work to bring to the world is one of a lifestyle that is chill, healthy and amazing. Life is too short to live any other way from our perspective and our customers aspire to live life fully and we are here to support that. So, this past weekend we launched the Metolius Mobileboards, a branded vehicle fleet, made up of all of the wholly-owned vehicles our team has, including two electric Monday Motorbikes, a Meepo electric skateboard, a BMW X3, and a Dodge 1500. Five vehicles that...
We’re a Hemp company, so naturally, we grow hemp. But we don’t just grow Hemp for the plant. We grow Hemp as we are stewards of the land. At Metolius, we farm all of our CBD & CBG Hemp organically and regeneratively. As part of our mission in bringing the medicinal compounds and applications of hemp to the general public, we also have the vision to heal our planet. That means that we focus our energy on caring for the soil, environment, and local ecosystems as much as we do on the products we create. The genuine love we show...
Most of the world seems to have caught wind of the many powers of CBD. With its endless bounty of applications, Hemp & Cannabis-derived CBD has completely flooded the market of natural wellness products over the last few years. Many have discovered CBD seeking an alternative to over-the-counter pain relievers, boosting immunity or focus, a natural sleep aid, or simply to relieve stress. Cannabidiol (CBD) first exploded in the Hemp & Cannabis industry after years of research proved it to be a truly remarkable treatment for various forms of epilepsy and seizure conditions, especially for children. Charlotte’s Web, one of the first...
We are working daily at Metolius Wellness to build upon our vision, and the improved quality of life for our customers, through our EXIT P.A.C.T., which is to ‘Reduce Or Replace Vices’ with all natural, efficacious, non-habit forming hemp cannabis products that move our customers to alternative options that we deem ‘Healthy Vices’. Here is a sampling of some of the news coverage around the company and that vision.